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波兰[forbrands]品牌包装设计事务所2011年为伊朗黑兰石油公司的品牌VI设计&包装设计案例,据说标志的设计是以Z字母符号反映了石油天然气火焰,象征生意红红火火,Zayd Petroleum 靛蓝色代表肩负社会责任,给世界公民一片蓝天给北京的却是雾霾的生活,你说我们中国屌丝多泪奔啊!名片是用2层进口纸互表(靛蓝+额外的白色),马克背面浮雕标志是采用德国库尔兹烫金技术.
We’ve created an identity for a company located in Tehran, working in the field of oil and gas development. It was a huge challenge for us, especially when it comes to Iran, a country with one of the largest reserves of petroleum and natural gas in the world.
We‘ve designed a bold symbol reflecting the oil drop & gas flame, combined into one shape with the letter Z.
For the corporate identity our choice was a high quality coloured paper stock – Antalis Skin Indigo with a white foil block printing. Business cards were made out of 2 laminated paper sheets (Indigo + Extra White), with the embossed logo mark on the reverse. We’ve also designed a small promotional element, i.e. metal keychain.
Work done:logo, corporate identity, brand manual, paper bag

编辑:宅喜欢温度 分享:www.oooiove.com

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