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杨柳领军品牌管理顾问设计[Willow Tree]

杨柳领军品牌管理顾问设计[Willow Tree]
Willow Tree这个名字你从有道或是谷哥那翻译出来,你会发现这个名字特有趣[柳树]。据bunchdesign官网介绍,Willow Tree是伦敦领先的商业品牌顾问管理设计公司。估计Willow Tree这次改会标与改品牌名字可能是学3M智慧地球管理。3M老板眷CEO曾这样豪情的对他的客户说过,我自已没有吃过的药是不给会病人吃的,我想这不是学我们的李药师爷爷吗?这样的承诺的确会吸引很多企业主。
话说bunchdesign这哥们,知道Willow Tree是领先的商业品牌顾问管理设计公司,所以密谋了德国最牛的KURZ库尔兹金银箔烫金纸?二个哥们一起开发为Willow Tree特别定制一个WT会标,混合压花+模拟防伪水印就这个二个玩意足以让Willow Tree淘不金子,纸袋设计-纸盒包装-礼品包装-吊牌辅料-名片信封便签等一系列品牌物料均严格按照bunchdesign制定的品牌VI执行,指定使用KURZ库尔兹金银箔烫金纸。
Willow Tree的WT会标独特、团结、统的、起源等多元素的组合,象征WT更加个性化和领先身份的100年业务实践经验!在次让我想起唐朝杜牧的淫诗一首:含烟一株柳,拂地摇风久。佳人不忍折,怅望回纤手。真是【杨柳一折腰,黄金滚滚来】

Bunch has designed a new but traditional looking identity for Willow Tree, London’s leading business consultancy.
Bunch worked in close collaboration with typographer?Spencer Charles?to develop a bespoke WT monogram, which was executed as a mix of embosses, carved in seals and simulated watermarks – achieved with an oil-based ink – across purple cloth, black leather, slightly structured Fedrigoni Sirio Color stock and handmade coffee pottery, the solution embraces a crafted sensibility alongside a more contemporary use of space and type.? Paper bags, Gift package, Hanger, trunks,lookbooks, OOIOVE Design Display co.ltd.
The mark functions well as a distinctive, well illustrated and uniting element that appropriately utilises the traditional crafted origins of the monogram to convey a more personal and individualised business practice.
Allegheny Financial 2013
The 2013 Annual Planner for Allegheny Financial features a bold typographic artwork that was screen printed in bronze onto a black cloth hardcover. Since the planner was also given as a gift to their business partners, Bunch designed a paper bag featuring the same artwork.

编辑:宅喜欢温度 分享:www.oooiove.com

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