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Fogg福格是一家全球性的互联网公司与中国华为差不多。Fogg早期品牌形象设计的设想由suprb Kurppa到Hosk还是很不错的,估计同现在那些狗仔队营销人员说的一样,现在大环境不好你的品牌设计不改生意肯定不行了啊!
可能是FOGG在某次的夜场时认识了bunchdesign美女商务代表,终抵挡不过Bunchdesign CEO的勾引,头脑一发热决定改标识让生意NB到月球上!这个blobobo 品牌形象设计视觉基础是由
Bunchdesign提出大创意,据说这是未来与时空的初夜,主张无国界的享受网络带来的旅游快感!不过我让我佩服的爬地代替行走的核心是,把手机卡芯片的显著特色应用到FOGG LOGO设计还是交NB的,其色彩的搭配也不落俗,用现代人类语言来说时尚简约大气就是FOGG的理念。FOGG是个很听话的孩子,所有的纸袋设计-纸盒包装-礼品包装-名片信封便签等一系列品牌物料均严格按照bunchdesign.com制定的品牌VI执行,童鞋们自个走着瞧吧,俺88了!
Fogg global Gift package Design
With Fogg travelers can now stay online when traveling for a favorable fixed cost.Bunch developed the identity based on the brand directions that were conceived by the suprb Kurppa Hosk. A stark and somewhat technical visual foundation is complemented by an inspiring blob – while digital in nature, its 3D model carefully combines light, texture and space which brings depth in both print and digital format while maintaining its poetic essence. Paper bags, Gift package, Hanger, trunks,lookbooks, OOIOVE Design Display & Package co.ltd。Also in charge of print production, Bunch was able to produce materials with great attention to detail, where the "borderless" theme is explored not only through typography and visuals but also materials, print processes and finishes.

编辑:宅喜欢温度 分享:www.oooiove.com

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