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Kabiri卡贝里是一个英国设计师珠宝品牌,2004年6月在伦敦开设第一家专卖店,由创始人Nathalie Kabiri娜塔莉卡贝里通过网络,从世界各地搜寻最好的和独特的珠宝产品集合在她的专卖店销售,其特点有点像香港的连卡佛以买手制为主,探索你的时尚生活为品牌经营的核心理念。
Nathalie Kabiri娜塔莉卡贝里是英的当代珠宝设计师,bunchdesign被Kabiri邀请为品牌形象设计顾问,通过二个哥们无数个黑夜,最终绝定了以老K为品牌的主商标,基于这个有什么故事我想只有他们二个人才知,纸盒包装设计与手提袋的原纸采用的是英国进口登喜路细网格纹理,通过大面积的黑白对比给人的第一印像还是很不错的!包装设计的核心无非就是结构设计,工艺应用,原材料等,如果做为一个设计师能把结构或是原材料玩透那何苦不怕没有毛老头呢?奢侈包装展会全球都在开但是真正能执行好灵活配合好的参展商实在是少的可怜。独特的个性、简约包装、重视细节执行据说这是现代豪华时尚前沿的代表。。。Neurologica Practice的品牌包装形象设计也是bunchdesign这个哥们执行的。
Kabiri  Paper bags&Package Design
Kabiri is a designer jewellery store based in London, launched in June 2004 by Nathalie Kabiri. It continues to lead the way in contemporary designer jewellery where each season fresh new designers are introduced as Nathalie searches the globe to curate the very best individual pieces and unique collections. Bunch was invited to rebrand their range of promotional materials, where the characteristic letter K derived from the logotype was used as a device that gave unique personality to minimalistic packaging. In close collaboration with Wrapology, who were in charge of production, great attention to detail was applied in the selection of materials, Paper bags, Gift package, Hanger, trunks,lookbooks, OOIOVE Design Display & Package co.ltd.custom 。finishes, textures and assembly so that the final outcome would feel both contemporary and luxurious.

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